Jagadguru Adi Sankaracharya was born in Kaladi, Kerala -India in an orthodox Namboothiri Brahmin family ( Home – Kaippilly Mana). His birth was at Mother’s house Mel Pazhoor Mana and lived near the banks of river Poorna (now known as Periyar) during the Period “Kaliyuga 2593 – 2625 (B.C.509 – 477) ( it’s still disputed as there are versions saying his presence was during AD 788 – 820) borne with extraordinary spiritual, intellectual and creative powers. The lives of such person with their pristine purity reveal the very heart of Indian culture

  • When the spirituality among people were greatly reduced, all the Deva Ganas (Gods) and the Rishis prayed Lord Shiva to revive the world. Lord Shiva considered their request and blessed them that he will be born in this world. Lord Brahma, Indra and others also agreed to be born in this world to help Lord Shiva.
  • In Kaladi, Kerala – India, a learned Namboothiri Brahmin, by the name of Sivaguru (Kaippilly Mana), and his wife, Aryambal (Mel Pazhoor Mana), spent their life in pooja and in giving alms to poor and in other good deeds. This childless couple went to Lord Vadakkunnathan temple at Trichur (in Kerala), and the couple devoutly prayed for 41 days at the temple of Lord Vadakkunathan (Lord Shiva) for a son.

Adi shankara trust

  • When the spirituality among people were greatly reduced, all the Deva Ganas (Gods) and the Rishis prayed Lord Shiva to revive the world. Lord Shiva considered their request and blessed them that he will be born in this world. Lord Brahma, Indra and others also agreed to be born in this world to help Lord Shiva.
  • In Kaladi, Kerala – India, a learned Namboothiri Brahmin, by the name of Sivaguru (Kaippilly Mana), and his wife, Aryambal (Mel Pazhoor Mana), spent their life in pooja and in giving alms to poor and in other good deeds. This childless couple went to Lord Vadakkunnathan temple at Trichur (in Kerala), and the couple devoutly prayed for 41 days at the temple of Lord Vadakkunathan (Lord Shiva) for a son.
  • Legends says, that Shiva appeared to the couple in their dreams and offered them a choice. They could have either a mediocre son who would live a long life or an extraordinary son who would die early. Both Shivaguru and Aryamba chose the latter. In honour of Shiva, they named their son Sankaran. Calculating according to solar calendar, the auspicious day has been said to be the fifth day of the bright fortnight of the month of Vaishakha. The devotees celebrate – Shankara Jayanti on that- day every year.
  • Sankaran, being a divine incarnation grew up right from his childhood as a prodigy in every respect. It is said that at the age of eight he had understood the four Vedas (organised system of Science). By the time he was twelve years of age, he had understood all branches of knowledge. And by sixteen he had written commentaries on those Vedanta which are considered to be his major works. Sharp as his intellect was, so was his heart very broad. Even at a young age Sankaran, had become proficient in Prakrit Magadhi and Sanskrit languages
  • Many instances that reveal the divine spirit of great men are available at every stage of their lives. It was so in the case of Sankaran also. At the age of Eight, he went to Sanyasam
  • The entire world appeared to be full of Brahman to him. After this the only thing that remained to be done was to communicate the bliss he had known and experienced to one and all through Vedanta
  • In Acharya Sankara regarded the entire Bharat (India) as a holy land. Its welfare and unification was to be based on Dharma only. In connection with this unification, Acharya’s plan was to establish four centers in four corners of Bharat for spreading Vedanta and for guiding persons practicing Vedanta. The founding of Sharada Peetha was the first step in this project. This was meant to provide guidance for South India. He established the Govardhana Peetha in Jagannath for the East, the Kalika Peetha in Dwaraka for the West, and the Jyotih Peetha in Badarikashrama for the North. These Peethas are called Amnaya Peethas.
  • Among the disciples of Sankaracharya the most prominent are the four, Padmapada, Sureshwara, Hastamalaka and Totaka. Sankaracharya nominated them as the chiefs of the four Vedanta centers he had established: Sureshwara for Shringeri the South zone center, Padmapada for Kalika Peetha in Dwaraka for the West, Totaka for Jyotih peetha in Badarikashrama for the North, and Hastamalaka for Govardhana Peetha in Jagannath for the East. He told that, at their lives should be dedicated to re-organise ancient “Sanathana Dharma”
  • Sankara also created four Maths (Maths or Madhoms – Means Monastic Centers) in Kerala at Trichur, such as Vadakke Madam, Naduvil Madhom, Idaivil Madhom, Thekke Madhom. The first Presidents of these Maths (Madhoms) were his disciples, Thotaka, Sureswara, Padmapada and Hastamalaka”. (Sri Suresvaracharya – Naduvil Madhom, Sri Padmapadacharya -ThekkeMadhom, Sri Hastamalakacharya – Idayil Madhom and, Sri Totakacharya – Vadakke Madhom) for the purpose of spreading Sanathanadharmam
  • He travelled across the whole Bharath (India) three times with his Yogic abilities, and With his scholastic capability and confidence he debated with numerous scholars across India and won over them to gain the position of Jagad Guru (the most revered Teacher of the universe) and Sankaracharya ascended the Sarvanja Peetham (the seat of the all-knowing) too at Sharada Nilaya ( Sharada means Saraswathi – Goddess of Knowledge). Nilaya – Dedicated to) in Kashmir.
  • Sankaran, affirmed and proved the concept of Adviatam and orated the importance of Adviatam philosophy very clearly, developed a number of followers of high scholastic ability and re-established Sanathanadhrama for the benefit of Humanity from the clutches of evil actions due to mis concepts by some of the religions in India (Predominance of Buddhism is sighted as an example). Sankaran’s pious and spiritual Vedic doctrines was un conquerable and he obtained a marvelous success in comprehending the Advaita philosophy
  • At the age of 32 Sankaran attained Moksha (liberation). It He retired to the Himalayas and disappeared inside a cave near Kedarnath. This cave is traditionally pointed out as the site of his samadhi. Another school thoughts says, Jagadguru Adi Sankaracharya attained Videha Mukthi (“freedom from embodiment”) at the Vadakkunnathan temple (One narrative as expounded by the Keraliya Sankaravijaya, identifies the temple as his place of death).
  • Sri Jagadguru Adi Sankaracharya showed examples of how a man should live. The life should shine forth with pious qualities like knowledge, devotion and asceticism. He preached the way Advaita. That means everything in the world is Brahman and all are one. The world is constantly changing. These changes are neither important nor real. The reality that lies behind all these things and activities Brahman.
  • One should develop an eye to see God everywhere and in everything. People who have that view, take the whole world for the motherland, and treat all human beings as their brothers. He gave a concrete form to the truth end also proved that the whole of Bharath (India) was one by establishing spiritual centers in various zones.