Sanathana Dharma is a way of life by realising the true self in One Human being. The Indian culture popularly termed as Hinduism or known as Arsha Bharath Samsakaram itself is the Sanathana Dharma. It’s believed that, the human life is very rare and all living and non-living thing is a decimal part of the ultimate Brahmam or the almighty. In general the human body consists of the Panja Bhootas (Five elements) such as Sky (Akash), Air(Vayu), Fire(Agni), Water(Apa), Earth( Prathvi) and the soul which is the decimal of the almighty resides in every being. Soul is eternal and it never get destroyed and whereas the body gets destroyed and returns to the five elements. This is exactly the modern science emphasis that “ energy can neither be created nor destroyed – only can be converted from one form of energy to another” Hence the philosophy in general seek every human regardless of Cast, Colour and creed created by human beings to practice virtues such as honesty, refraining from injuring living beings, purity, goodwill, mercy, patience, forbearance, self-restraint, generosity, and asceticism,
- Sanathana Means – Eternal
- Dharma Means – Mission or duties in One’s Life

Athmana : prathi koolani paresham na samachareth
“Don’t do to others what is harmful to you” ( is the meaning of the above verse )

“Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshithah” :- ( If we protect Dharma, Dharma will protect us )