On the Second Sunday or every month @ 3.00 PM IST, (Over On-line Platform Zoom and Youtube) A discourse by great philosophers and scholars for the common man to get enlightened by understanding the deeper aspects of Sanathana Dharma, Sankara and Advaitam
It is now structured class Covering the followings :
- Sanathanadharmam, its practices and Rituals
- All Vedams
- Vedantams
- Upavedam
- Dharmasastrams
- Shodasa Samskramas
- Dasho Upanishads (10Upanishds) written by Jagadguru Sankaracharya
- Ethihasam (History including Viduropadesam, Geethopadesam and Sanath Sujatheeyam)
- Eighteen (18) Puranams and ends with Bhagavatam